
Journal Publications

  • J. G. Araújo; L. B. Oliveira; B. J. Guerreiro; F. F. Silva, CMOS analog simulators of dynamical systems, IEEE Access, 2024. (accepted) [DOI]
  • P. Pereira, B. J. Guerreiro, P. Lourenço. Distributed Model Predictive Control Method for Spacecraft Formation Flying in a Leader-Follower Formation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(3):3213-3223, 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • M. Simas, B. J. Guerreiro, P. Batista. Earth-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Drones in Dynamic Environments, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 104:58, 2022. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • André M. Rocha, Pedro Casau, and Rita Cunha. “A Control Algorithm for Early Wildfire Detection Using Aerial Sensor Networks: Modeling and Simulation.” Drones 2022, 6, 44. [DOI] [Post-print]

Conference Publications

  • Gil Serrano, Marcelo Jacinto, José Ribeiro-Gomes, João Pinto, Bruno J. Guerreiro, Alexandre Bernardino, and Rita Cunha. Physics-Informed Neural Network for Multirotor Slung Load Systems Modeling, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024. (accepted)
  • Daniel Sousa and Bruno Guerreiro, Moving Horizon Estimation SLAM for agile vehicles in 3-D environments, Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), Springer, pp:38:49, 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Simão Caeiro, Bruno Guerreiro, Rita Cunha, Data-Driven Control Strategies for Rotary Wing Aerial Vehicles, Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), pp. 62-73, 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Patrícia Rodrigues and Bruno Guerreiro, Non-Cooperative Model Predictive Control for Capturing a Remotely Piloted Target Drone, Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), pp. 74–85, 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • João Carvalho, Bruno J. Guerreiro, Instrumentation and control of a target fixed-wing drone for launch and capture, International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Pedro Casau, and B. J. Guerreiro. Event-Triggered Multi-Mode MPC with Application to Modular Aerial Vehicles. IEEE American Control Conference, 2023. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Fábio Luz, Bruno J. Guerreiro, and Manuel Marques, Model predictive control for assistive robotics manipulation, CONTROLO 2022, Springer, pp:83-94, 2022. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Gil Serrano, Bruno Guerreiro, and Rita Cunha, Nonlinear Control of Hybrid Drones via Optimised Control Allocation, CONTROLO 2022, Springer, pp:214-226, 2022. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Tomás Bastos, Bruno J. Guerreiro, and Rita Cunha, Task Allocation Algorithms for Drone Parcel Delivery Systems, CONTROLO 2022, Springer, pp:644-655, 2022. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • P. Pereira, B. Guerreiro, Pedro Lourenço, Cooperative Platooning and Servicing for Spacecraft Formation Flying using Model Predictive Control, Euro GNC, 2022. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Francisco Matos and Bruno Guerreiro, “Model predictive control strategies for parcel relay manoeuvres using drones,” 2021 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), 2021, pp. 32-37. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Hugo Cabrita and Bruno Guerreiro, “NOVA.DroneArena: design and control of a low-cost drone testbed,” 2021 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), 2021, pp. 20-25. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • Bruno Neves and Bruno Guerreiro, “Flight control of hybrid drones towards enabling parcel relay manoeuvres,” 2021 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), 2021, pp. 13-19. [DOI] [Post-print]
  • João Pinto, Bruno J. Guerreiro and Rita Cunha, “Planning Parcel Relay Manoeuvres for Quadrotors,” 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2021, pp. 137-145. [DOI] [Post-print]


  • Daniel Sousa, “Moving Horizon Estimation SLAM for agile vehicles in 3-D environments”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering , NOVA School of Science and technology, 2023. [Thesis]
  • Patrícia Rodrigues, “Non-cooperative control of a shuttle drone for manned drone capture”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering , NOVA School of Science and technology, 2023. [Thesis]
  • João Carvalho, “Instrumentation and control of a target fixed-wing drone for launch and capture”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering , NOVA School of Science and technology, 2022. [Thesis]
  • Pedro Pereira, “Model Predictive Control for Cooperative Rendezvous of Space Satellies”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, NOVA School of Science and technology, 2022. [Thesis]
  • Gonçalo Ferreira , “Design and development of a low-cost inverted pendulum for education”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, NOVA School of Science and technology, 2022. [Thesis]
  • Fábio Luz, “Model predictive control for assistive robotic manipulation”, MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2021. [Thesis]
  • João Pinto. “Model Predictive Control Strategies for Aggressive Parcel Relay Maneuvers Using Drones”. MSc Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, September 2021. [Thesis]
  • Zhiqi Tank, “Vision-based Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles “, PhD Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico and Université Cote D’Azur, 2021. [Thesis]